SI: Applying Clinical Reasoning To Practice with Diverse Populations

Rosann C. Schaaf • Susanne Smith Roley

  • 12565
  • 978-1-416-40333-3
  • BK
  • 1 lbs.7 oz.
$ 60.00


Target Group: Infant through school-age

This book with present specific assessment tools and strategies, interventions, and detailed case studies, grounded in a solid clinical reasoning framework.  Case study application of this material is systematic and detailed.  Utilize a sensory integrative approach with your clients.

  • Part I: Set the foundation for assessment and intervention using a Sensory Integration approach. 
  • Part II: Apply Sensory Integration Principles in the following areas: high-risk infants, children with visual defects, children with cerebral palsy, children with autism and autistic spectrum disorder, children with Fragile X, and children with intellectual disabilities.

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272 pages • 8.5 x 11 • softcover • ©2006