Now in the second edition, The STAR Program, has been improved and enhanced based on the latest research on the evidence-based practices, feedback from professionals’ implementation and training on the program, and the authors’ knowledge gained from experiences over the last ten years.
The STAR Program: Strategies for Teaching Based on Autism Research–Second Edition Program Manual, Levels 1, 2, & 3 is completely revised with a Getting Started chapter.
Level 1 Learning Goals - understand basic language concepts
- start to use verbal language to request desires
- follow simple routines such as arrival to an activity area, departure from an activity area, circle time, or snack time
- begin to participate in independent constructive play
Level 2 Learning Goals - follow 2-step commands
- use multiple words to make requests
- use simple verbs such as “sleeping, eating and crying”
- learn the names of other children
- play interactively
- identify numbers, letters, and a few sight words
- answer “wh” questions
Level 3 Learning Goals - expand vocabulary and phrase length
- use prepositions and pronouns
- read more functional sight words
- write with dictation and from memory
- read a simple story in a book
- identify and use money
- tell time and use this skill with their classroom schedule
- add and subtract one digit numbers
- follow more complex routines such as computer use, transitioning between locations and large group activities in and out of the classroom
- participate in school routines such as music, PE, lunch, and recess
- play interactively with peers
288 pages • 8.5 x 11, spiral • ©2015
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