Reading Milestones-Fourth Edition, Level 4 (Green) Workbooks Kit

Stephen P. Quigley+ Patricia L. McAnally+ Susan Rose

  • 14078
  • KIT
  • 11 lbs.11 oz.
$ 175.00

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Workbook activities are based on schema theory and emphasize the development of comprehension. Tasks develop literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, and the solving of problems. A variety of procedures are used: semantic maps, semantic feature analyses, story maps, word maps, and word analogies. Other tasks include:

  • matching print and pictures 
  • classification
  • sequencing
  • story structure
  • phonological awareness activities

The Reading Milestones Workbook pages provide activities that serve as reinforcement and practice for the skills the teacher has taught through direct instruction during the reading period. The tasks become progressively more sophisticated as the students advance in the levels and provide reinforcement of basic literacy and comprehension skills.

Sample Workbook Page

Ways to Purchase Reading Milestones Workbook Activities:

  1. Reading Milestones Reproducible Materials Flash Drive, which includes reproducible PDFs of Spelling, Workbooks, and Word Cards
  2. A boxed, printed version of blackline masters of Workbook activities

©2012 • Previous Edition: #10025